Daily Archives: November 15, 2013

From the Day

* I mailed out my CDPs and I am SOOOOO excited for this person to get the package! I want them to tear everything open immediately!

* I got a New York Public Library card today and it was the highlight of my day. No really. It was. I have a Rainbow Rowell book on my eBook waitlist and already borrowed another book! GLEEEEE!

*Miss Heather sent me the most delicious surprise today – my very FIRST edible arrangement! You guys. This made me SO HAPPY. I am STILL happy about it. I don’t want to eat it all tonight, but I kind of do.

*I am binge watching Star Trek The Next Generation and I love it. It’s so awesome and hilarious.

*I ate swiss cake rolls today. I will not tell you how many. (Hint: a whole lot more than I should have.)

*I need to clean tomorrow but oh my lord, I have ZERO INTEREST or MOTIVATION. ZE.RO. I have to. I will. Maybe.

*I am 100% out of fizzy water and I don’t even know when I will replenish. I think I need a plan. ASAP.

*I need new interview/job clothes.  Ugh.  Tough when you do not have a job nor income yet! Blargh. Shopping though!

And here I go! Posting under the wire so I can go back to reading smut and watching Star Trek.

I lead a very glamorous life.